Fixing "This page crashed" Docusaurus Error

Fixing "This page crashed" Docusaurus Error


1 min read

The Bug 🐞

Howdy, Kachi here :)

I recently encountered this error when I was setting up a project with Docusaurus

N/B: This is after running the npm start command, which is preceded by the npx create-docusaurus@latest my-website classic command.

The Fix πŸ› 

Thanks to some internet friends and my exceptional superpowers(Googling) I was able to fix the errorβ€” (Smiles Triumphantly).

# πŸ‘‡οΈ with NPM
npm install react@latest react-dom@latest --legacy-peer-deps

Run the npm start to load the server again.

Mazel Tov πŸ‘‹